Full final version of project

Due Tue May. 9, 11.59pm

Basic checklist:

  • Finish up the full final version
  • Submit a link to Canvas assignment (to keep track in gradebook of completion)
  • Submit to the SPLOT to share with the wider world
  • Fill out the Memorandum of Understanding (to ensure that you’re ok with the wider world seeing your project in the SPLOT)
  • Kick back and bask in the glory of finishing a semester of amazing work

Detailed information:

  1. Rework the full draft from a couple of weeks ago, using the comments and feedback from your peers and me to make sure your project is the best it can be: a coherent piece (or set of pieces), for a total of appr. 1200 words, with illustrations and at least one connection/reference/link/illustration from a North American collection. Make sure to credit images correctly.
    • Your final version should be free from typos, misspellings and grammar mistakes, and uses references in Chicago Notes and Bibliography style. History uses Chicago Notes and Bibliography style, not in-text citation.
      • Use the footnote plugin!
    • Include captions for the images which include name of object, source, and add a hyperlink to the collection (Museum or library etc.)
    • Add the project post(s) to category hst137
  2. Go to Canvas and add the link to the assignment
  3. Submit the link, an image, and a short description to the dedicated SPLOT (different URL from the test splot we played with in class, same type of site)
  4. Fill out the MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) (Gdrive link)
    • This is an electronic agreement to allow me to add your work to the SPLOT and make it visible to the outside world.
    • If you want your contribution to remain anonymous and not linked to your Bergbuilds blog, please contact me: you should be proud of your work, but if you have reasons not to want to share your name/blog, I respect that.

After the semester finishes, can share the project and the SPLOT with friends, family and strangers by sending them links. You can pat yourself on the back for completing a digital project with a research component, and for learning a lot about Chinese material culture and Chinese history.

Source: Giphy